
Coordinator :

Régine Trebossen



The management workpackage ensures the coordination of the network.

Its role is to develop and reinforce the interactions between the imaging platforms and the research laboratories across the nodes and strengthen the relationships between the academic researchers, the industrial partners and the clinicians.

It relies on a management staff composed of the national coordinator, the executive coordinator, the administrative manager and the communication manager. The staff is completed by the coordinator and project manager of the training workpackage.


The main missions assigned to the management workpackage come in five axis :

  • Establish and promote the service offering of FLI. The service offering is based on the expertise developed by the imaging platforms and laboratories integrated into FLI and the equipment. A quality policy and the harmonization of costs ensure its high degree of quality.
  • Set up an easy and open access to the equipment and integrated services available on the platforms
  • Ensure the coordination at the national level of the actions of the scientific workpackages to facilitate the emergence of technological innovations and their use by the clinicians and the industrial partners
  • Set up the communication of the infrastructure
  • Develop the international visibility of FLI.


In addition, the management board is responsible for:

  • monitoring the routine contractual, financial and administrative performance of the infrastructure
  • organizing and supporting the tasks of the National Steering Committee
  • coordinating the reporting to the funders, ANR
  • the organization of national events and the visibility of FLI


  • Slide France Life Imaging
  • Slide France Life Imaging
  • Slide France Life Imaging
  • Slide France Life Imaging