
In this section, you will find internships, thesis, post-doctorates, fixed-term and permanent contract vacancies in the network’s partner laboratories.

Liste des annonces

2016-02-22 Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience

Open position: Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience
Project title: Function brain tractography (F-TRACT)
Funding body: European Research Council (ERC)
Host institution: Inserm
Contract duration: 1 year, renewable
Starting date: As soon as possible. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Job description:
The successful candidate will have to develop the theoretical part of the F-TRACT project, which mainly aims at developing large-scale hierarchal brain model(s) using new information produced by the F-TRACT atlas. The model(s) developed will need to be directly connected to the F-TRACT data.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity.
Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the
human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide.
This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

2016/02/04 – Research engineer in computer science, Grenoble

The successful candidate will have to maintain and develop computational infrastructures of the lab.
He/she will also be involved in image processing for computational human neuroanatomy in relation to epilepsy surgery.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity. Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide. This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

Host research group:
The main goal of the host research group (Brain Stimulation & Systems Neuroscience, PI: Olivier David) is to study large-scale brain networks in order to develop new applications of brain stimulation in the field of psychiatry, movement disorders and epilepsy using a translational approach based on clinical and preclinical research. Very close interactions between experimentalists, methodologists and clinicians, offer an optimal environment to develop skills of young neuroscientists.

2016/02/04 – Research engineer in computer science, Grenoble

The successful candidate will have to maintain and develop computational infrastructures of the lab.
He/she will also be involved in image processing for computational human neuroanatomy in relation to epilepsy surgery.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity. Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the
human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide. This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

Host research group:
The main goal of the host research group (Brain Stimulation & Systems Neuroscience, PI: Olivier David) is to study large-scale brain networks in order to develop new applications of brain stimulation in the field of psychiatry, movement disorders and epilepsy using a translational approach based on clinical and preclinical research. Very close interactions between experimentalists, methodologists and
clinicians, offer an optimal environment to develop skills of young neuroscientists.

Ingénieur Qualité (CDD)

FLI recherche un ingénieur qualité pour soutenir les groupes de travail constitués.
Il(elle) animera les groupes de travail en charge de l’harmonisation et de l’amélioration des "bonnes pratiques professionnelles" définies au sein de ce réseau (contrôles qualité et réglementaires, traçabilité, fiabilité des équipements, etc).
Il(elle) devra ensuite déployer ces bonnes pratiques sur l'ensemble des sites.
Après une formation à la qualité (normes ISO 9001 et NFX 50-900), Il(elle) élaborera et mettra en place un système de management qualité selon ces référentiels.
Il(elle) sera en lien avec la mission qualité du GIS IBiSA chargée de la coordination nationale des démarches qualité sur les plateformes technologiques de recherche labélisées IBiSA et sur les Infrastructures du Programmes d’Investissement d’Avenir.

Le contrat est de 18 mois, éventuellement renouvelable une fois.

Post Doctoral Position

Recent work on brain connectivity modeling revealed that the topographic organization of this connectivity is not limited to large-scale anatomical pathways generally observable in diffusion MRI, thus reinforcing the interest of studies focusing on the characterization of cortical structural connectivity and its variability. Therefore, the estimation of relevant grey matter connectomes strongly relies on the choice of an ad'hoc cerebral parcellisation.

We propose a post doc project to first implement a probabilistic cortical atlas derived from cortical parcellisations defined individually to optimally extract cortical thickness and volume of each individual. The second aim of the post doc project is to compute cortical structural connectivity to quantify the inter-individual variability of brain organization together with the effects of specific factors such as gender, manual preference, functional lateralization or cognitive skills. The strength of the present project is that it will benefits from the already acquired BIL&GIN database composed of 453 healthy volunteers balanced for gender and handedness. Hence, the first probabilistic cortical atlas will be operated over a large sample, the 453 participants having been previously pre-processed.

CDD Ingénieur en développement logiciel “Connectomist & microstructure”

Le centre NeuroSpin est un centre de neuroimagerie pariant sur l'utilisation des très hauts
champs magnétiques pour décoder la structure et le fonctionnement du cerveau humain. La
compréhension de la connectivité anatomique du cerveau est centrale pour décoder
l'organisation des divers réseaux fonctionnels (du langage, de la lecture, de la vision, de
l'audition, du calcul, ...), et le centre NeuroSpin a développé une expertise en IRM de diffusion
qui permet à la fois de reconstruire et reconnaître automatiquement les faisceaux de fibres de
la substance blanche constituant les autoroutes de l'information dans le cerveau,
mais aussi de mesurer l'organisation locale du tissu à l'échelle cellulaire, pour par exemple
mesurer le diamètre axonal moyen, la densité des axones, ….

Cette recherche s'est appuyée depuis une dizaine d'années sur le développement d'un outil
logiciel, Connectomist, et le poste d'ingénieur CDD
proposé vise à doter l'équipe de développement d'une ressource dont les missions seraient:

- l'intégration des nouveaux modèles biophysiques du processus de diffusion développés par
les chercheurs du centre NeuroSpin à des fins de décodage de l'organisation du tissu cérébral à
l'échelle cellulaire (ie microscopie par IRM de diffusion),
- le développement de nouveaux pipelines dédiés à l'analyse de données acquises dans le
cadre de projets de recherche clinique menés au sein de NeuroSpin et en partenariat avec des
collaborateurs extérieurs centrés sur la microscopie par IRM de diffusion,
- une participation au développement de l'interface graphique du logiciel,
- d'assurer un rôle d'interlocuteur avec les utilisateurs pour recenser leurs besoins et préparer le
développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités en réponse aux besoins exprimés, toujours en lien
avec les techniques de microscopie IRM de diffusion.

Durée: le poste ingénieur est ouvert en CDD pour une durée d'1 an. Le poste est à pourvoir dès
à présent.
